Vertikálne rezacie zariadenie
Zariadenie je určené na rezanie molitanových blokov do presne špecifikovaných rozmerov. Je vybavené mechanizmom pozostávajúcim z dvoch lineárne nastaviteľných pravítok, ktoré slúžia na uchytenie rezaného materiálu. Rezanie vykonáva píla, ktorá je upevnená na posuvnom ramene. Celý systém je riadený servomotormi, ktoré umožňujú polohovanie reznej jednotky a pravítok s presnosťou na milimeter, čo garantuje vysokú kvalitu a presnosť rezov.
- Výmena riadiaceho systému (PLC), vstupov-výstupov, ovládacieho panela (HMI) a frekvenčných meničov
- Kompletné preprogramovanie vertikálneho rezacieho zariadenia
- Optimalizácia jednotlivých režimov rezania

The task involved the complete reprogramming of a saw control system using the PLC3 Designer software from Lenze. The first phase focused on activating the individual servo drives and testing basic positioning operations of the guides and saw arm. Following this, the cutting mechanism itself was activated.
Once the drives were successfully activated and the functionality of all sensors and safety elements verified, the main programming began. This phase involved developing control algorithms and synchronizing the system's components.
Four operating modes were implemented into the system: Manual, Semi-Automatic, Automatic, and Service mode. The key reason for the system reconfiguration was to optimize the functionality of these modes. The entire machine is now operated via a newly installed HMI interface.
The reconstruction resulted in significantly improved reliability and adaptability of the system, reducing cycle times and speeding up setup processes. Additionally, since the system is based on Lenze components, diagnostics and troubleshooting were simplified.